Clinical Compositions in Music
Clinical Music . . .
When it comes to the current sound and composition of the latest version of Clinic Recording Sessions, one might ask: why is this still in the pre-release stages? Scheduled to be released this summer, the CD will feature all of the songs that The Clinic has recorded in its first effort to record music. The Clinic's spokesperson, Brandon Strong, had this to say about recording at The Clinic:
"Recording music has always been a passion of mine. We're not doing anything super innovative by recording in digital from the very beginning of laying down tracks. We are staking a claim in the new digital wave of music that is sure to be on the horizon. All of our sounds are coming through just as we would like them to, and I feel that we have been able to become very intimate with the entire process. Being able to see the wave form of each track makes it a study within a study to make sure everything is as tight as it can get."
The CD has been under development for the better part of a year now, and as of today, March 1, 2001, there is about 58 minutes of music on it. So far, there have been three volumes of pre-release CDs distributed locally and nationally. These CDs are comprised of songs by various musicians who are close to The Clinic.
"When we (The Clinic) started getting serious about recording, I realized that the way to capture the feeling that one gets by looking at Clinical imagery is to open up the tracks for all who come and go around our organization. They are some of the best musicians I have known throughout my life, and that is part of it: including them on something that is, perhaps, larger than any project that they are able to work in around their schedules. These people aren't in bands but have the talent to express deep emotional resonance in their music. "
The Clinic is in the early stages of developing a sister site to house the Mp3's from Clinical Recording Sessions and other music projects that are ongoing and slated for the near future. Currently, a promotional version of this CD is available on this site. Click the link below to download all of the artwork and whatever Mp3's are online from the CD, Clinical Recording Sessions Version 3.0: Pre-Release, or find out how you can get a free copy.